If your clients are jetting off to London on a red eye flight or they have a 9am meeting in Frankfurt, chances are their regular sleep pattern will be disrupted – otherwise known as jet lag. Symptoms range from difficulty sleeping at night to waking up in the morning feeling exhausted and struggling to stay awake during the day. Jet lag can also affect concentration and memory and induce mild anxiety – which is far from ideal when your clients have to give an important presentation. The good news is that while your clients can’t prevent jet lag, there are easy ways to reduce it. Here are our tips on how to beat it.

Jet lag buster 1: Rest

Before your client flies, encourage them to rest as much as possible. They could have an early night or a lie in on the days before their flight. Their sleep patterns will be less disturbed if they’re able to match the time zone of their destination.

Jet lag buster 2: Get ahead

It’s natural to be tired after a long flight, but your client can overcome fatigue faster if they change their sleep schedule to their new time zone prior to flying. Advise your clients to set their watch to their desired timezone while they check-in at the airport, and immediately adhere to those timings before take off. This will help them adhere to their new sleeping pattern during the flight which will minimize the time it takes to acclimatize to their new timezone.

Jet lag buster 3: Hydrate

Encourage your client to drink plenty of water at the airport, on their flight and when they land. Avoiding caffeine and alcohol can also significantly help to reduce jet lag – so you may wish to suggest they save their glass of wine for after they’ve closed their business deal.

Jet lag buster 4: Stretch

It’s also advisable to stay active during a long haul flight to support your body’s circulation at high altitude. During a daytime flight, simple movements and exercises can help such as regularly walking around the cabin and stretching; even when sitting, your clients could write the alphabet with their toes, for example.

Jet lag buster 5: Natural light

The sun’s natural light is a powerful tool for helping the body’s circadian clock settle into a new timezone. As we know, sunrise signals our natural time for waking up, and sunset signals time for rest. If your clients increase their exposure to natural light and Vitamin D during the day, they will feel much more alert during meetings. Encourage them to skip the cab ride and take a walk instead to enjoy plenty of fresh air and sunshine. 

If your clients are doing business in Africa, you may also want to read our guide to stopovers between the US to Africa.

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